
About Me

I came to Sheffield in 1999 to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield, and never left. I mean sure, I dropped out of Mechanical Engineering, switching to Computer Science instead, but as soon as I arrived I knew this was home.  I've later come to realise that despite being born a southerner my ancestral roots are all northern which may explain the deep connections I feel to Sheffield, Yorkshire and the Peak District.

I've been working in IT since 2005 but this isn't about that.  This is about what I get up to outside of the office.  I've been bouldering for a while now, mostly at The Climbing Works but also in the peaks when I can and as of 2015 there is also an annual trip to Fontainebleau to visit the spiritual home of bouldering.  Since 2014 I had been what I called a reluctant runner - by which I mean I managed about 20 runs in 3 years.  I was never athletic at school, and always looked for ways to get out of sport, but spurred on by friends I decided to try.  Since moving house in December 2016 I have become a regular at Hillsborough Parkrun where my PB has dropped from 31:56 to 26:29 (as of 2nd April 2017) and is still falling.  I have also discovered trail running after taking part in the Peakrunners Langsett 10k.

Finally you may also find me talking about cars and engines from time to time because as much as I LOVE the outdoors life and spending time appreciating nature I am also a bit of a petrolhead and have spent many a weekend at Santa Pod with the family Drag Racing Team.

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